Size and Shape of area rugs :
When you say that you need a specific size of rugs, for your area, it is custom size rugs. This place may be your living room, bedroom, lobby, banquet hall, or for apartments/villas, yatches any place. Like you get custom tailored suits, made as per your body structure, we make custom made rugs as per your specified size of your place.
Shape of custom made rugs : Normal shape of rugs are rectangular rugs, round rugs, oval shape rug, octagon shape rug, cut shape rug, or any shape rug, whatever shape you need, even abstract shape rug, we can get the same made for you. Different shapes of custom rugs can be made. This also include runners for Lobbies, Stairs, Odd sizes, banquet hall size rugs and many more.
You may see under mentioned that how a single design has been made and transformed into different shapes of rugs. Same design has been transformed and made as octagon shape rug, similarly rectangle shape rug, round rug, design made to see how it will come out in runner, square shape rug or triangle or any other odd shape.
The purpose to show you these pictures is to make yourself confident that what we can do and in what manner. So if you need any of the design to make a set, like one design with a rectangle rug for rooms, and same design for lobby, the same can be made easily.